Sunday, August 10, 2014

Best To-Do list xD

Posted by Legalization Campaign On 9:52 AM | No comments
This exactly explains my mind ! xD

Saturday, August 9, 2014

I survived because of Cannabis !

Posted by Legalization Campaign On 10:20 AM | No comments
Cannabis, known as Marijuana globally, is taken as drugs. Even the wikipedia has titled Cannabis as drug. Well, if it is to be named as drug, then let's add a more word "natural drug". Cannabis has been scientifically proved that it has the chemical which pauses the growth of cancer cells. Though, the world is not aware about it and it is still illegal.

Heard about Hemp plastic car ?

Posted by Legalization Campaign On 10:16 AM | No comments
The car was invented with fibres of Marijuana plant. And the result was awesome that it was 10 times more dent resistant than steel.

Like to Blaze with her ?

Posted by Legalization Campaign On 10:14 AM | No comments
Wake & Bake :D Smoke everyday ! Smoking kills, Marijuana Heals !

Saturday, August 2, 2014

I want to buy this or to be made !

Posted by Legalization Campaign On 10:01 PM | No comments
Safe way..

I love GangaGirls

Posted by Legalization Campaign On 9:58 PM | No comments
Smells verrrrry Good !

I want both, weed and the girl.

Posted by Legalization Campaign On 9:54 PM | No comments
Get high with her ?  wow ! would be great !

Pretty stoner !

Posted by Legalization Campaign On 9:39 PM | No comments
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Weedmans , be as high as you can.. xD

Posted by Legalization Campaign On 8:44 AM | No comments
Weedman be like xD

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Government makes criminal

Is stoner a criminal?